Friday, August 30, 2013

[thoughts] leave a legend

"If you're not making someone else's life better, you're wasting your time."

I came across this quote today by Will Smith. Like brain taffy, it just mentally stuck. Not only does Will Smith never fail to make me smile or cause a hearty feel-good laugh, but his contagious positivity & perspective on life is so remarkable. 

This quote gave me a reason to reflect on my own life & caused me to delve into myself. What do my days consist of? What do I think about majority of the time? What do I strive towards on a daily basis? How do I challenge myself? What is the intention that lies behind my actions? My thoughts?

Become legendary. Become better aware of your intentions & your world; leave a positive mark onto every person encountered. In a world that has become very ego-driven, we can easily fail to acknowledge the amazing beauty that encompasses us... the inspirations that we have the ability to completely marinate in. We begin to neglect the nature of how we are as people.
We face challenges, experience pain, require a need, & aim to pursue happiness. 
We share, we give, we take

What can you say you give?

inspire to inspire to inspire...


Crystal Lynn

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