Friday, March 15, 2013

create yourself, because


it's the motto, thanks to Drake.  okay, i'm sure we can all agree that the word "motto" has been quite spent--- along with repetitiously acknowledging the unknown fact that you only live once.  fine... attempted lame jokes aside, (in genuine respect for the notorious hip-hopper) i"ll share my motto.  

 each morning i try to incorporate this bettering phrase into my personal mental attitude: be better than you were yesterday.  i challenge you to try this little exercise everyday (AND i solemnly swear, this does not condone sweating):

  • 1. state three things in your life that you are grateful for.

  • 2. reflect on the person you were yesterday; now, compare.

  • 3. create a daily goal. relate the goal to a quality or an aspect of yourself you would like to improve

  • 4. think of one way you can positively influence the lives of those around you.

  • 5. remind yourself--- what is your ultimate inspiration? what is your dream? what drives you?

make it a daily mission to love harder, think smarter, dream farther.  the beauty in every morning is the golden opportunity to create yourself. the beauty in life is the infinite capacity to grow.

continuously prove to improve. because, yolo. 



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