Monday, March 18, 2013

fresh on the green scene

Happy St. Patrick's Day: One Lucky Girl
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While shooting, I ran into my favorite breed of dog (sorry, Theodore)... PUGS! I just had to roll around with these funny-faced piglets for a quick 4-1 
In celebration of both the Irish holiday & my grandmother's 72nd birthday, I expedited today in a Michael Kors soft key lime top.  Loose-fitted & pinched at the forearms; the vertical stripes gave the basic top an additional touch of character.  No pinchin' of this skin, I made sure of THAT.

I spent this beautiful day with even more beautiful family & friends.  Everyone was visiting in celebration of my grandmother's birthday.  A jam-packed day fueled on humor & filipino pastries: a quick gym workout, swimming, lunching (on traditional filipino dishes and cookie dough ice cream cake---that's right), taking the kid cousins to a trampoline amusement park & finally, ending the day chowing down on BJ's pizza & pizookies.  I was able to sneak in a "power" nap somewhere in all that frenzy.  More importantly, I will make sure to compensate at the gym come morning.  With all the crazy included, today was my definition perfect.  Time spent with loved ones solidifies one thing, and although I'm almost pretty darn sure that the chance of having an Irish lineage is about zero-to-none for me... I am one lucky girl.

Ya"ll already know I always like to end on a positive note, so here it is: never take advantage of the time spent with family & loved ones. Continue to cherish, love, & create beautiful memories.  Never take a single day for granted, count your blessings and truly realize just how lucky you really are.  Happy St. Patrick's day!

[top: Michael Kors; skirt: Express; heels: Enzo Angiolini; bag: Dana Buchman]

1 comment:

  1. So sexy but elegant at the same time, love this outfit! By the way, I'm hosting a giveaway where the winner will get a unique piece which will be created just for her, just in case you want to be a part of it :)
    Trendy Bow
